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Tae-Hyun Oh


I am an Assistant Professor at Dept. of Elec. Eng., POSTECH, Korea.

I was with Facebook AI Research working with prof. Lorenzo Torresani. I was a postdoctoral associate in Computational Fabrication Group (PI: prof. Wojciech Matusik) at MIT CSAIL, Cambridge, MA, US. I completed my M.S. and Ph.D. at Dept. EE, KAIST, Korea (co-advised by profs. In So Kweon and Jinwoo Shin, and former co-advisor Dr. Yu-Wing Tai). I finished my B.E. degree (the first-class honor) from Dept. Computer Engineering at Kwang-Woon University (KWU), Korea.

I was a research intern in Visual Computing Group, Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), Beijing, China from 2014 to 2015, where I was working with Drs. Yasuyuki Matsushita and David Wipf. I visited Cognitive Group, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, US in 2016 as a research intern, and worked with Drs. Sing Bing Kang, Neel Joshi and Baoyuan Wang on computational photography.

I am a recipient of Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship, Gold prize of Samsung HumanTech thesis award, Qualcomm Innovation awards, Excellent research achievement award by Hyundai Motor Co., and top research achievement awards from KAIST.

Prospective Students

I am looking for strongly self-motivated students to join my research group at POSTECH. If you are interested in joining my group as a PhD or joint MS&PhD program student, please read the following carefully.

[Instructions for Lab admission 2021]

UPDATE! Thank you for your interest. Since I've received just too many emails about the position, I couldn't handle all of them. I'd like to give more context, and importantly, if you don't read the below, I'd not respond to your email. Please understand. Note that I'm not working on Power system, Nano, Analog circuit, etc.  

- At this moment, I'm putting a high priority to the potential candidates who will promote to PhD degree with strong motivation. 

- Send me an email right before your application to POSTECH to let me know you applied and are interested in my lab. Before sending an e-mail, please be prepared to pass the basic math and coding interviews.

- Would my recommendation ease the admission process? No, the admissions committee does a fair review.

- If you are already a student at POSTECH, feel free to contact me directly for discussing potential positions. Also, non-paid or paid research intern positions are available.


I am broadly interested in computer vision & machine learning. Mostly, I liked human centric research that connects human and machine in general. My research involves 

- Machine perception understanding (Multi-modal learning, video understanding, 3D perception)

- Data efficient learning (Prior based learning and inference, minimal-supervised learning)

- Deep neural networks and representation learning

- Low-rank & sparse structure and related optimization techniques

but not limited to.

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